But the lovers of God walk on the highway of light, and their way shines brighter and brighter until the perfect day. Prov 4:18 TPT
Abundant Radiance Christian Life Coaching

Want to sparkle more?
Lost your sparkle?
Don't know what your sparkle is?
What is a Christian Life Coach?
A Christian life coach is someone who comes alongside, shoulder to shoulder, and encourages her client through personal challenges from a faith-based perspective. She focuses on the present and the future.
How Can a Christian Life Coach Help Me?
Are You feeling stressed?
Are you doubting yourself?
Do you need to make a big decision?
Do you wonder if this this is all there is to your life, or is there actually more?
Are you truly happy with what you have accomplished?
You may be a success in business, but what about your personal and spiritual life?
Is there something more you are meant to do to make an impact in the world?
The life coach helps you discern an awareness of what’s happening in your life right now, clarify goals, identify barriers, and develop a sustainable lifestyle for moving ahead. We will create a roadmap based on biblical principles, faith-based strategies, personal growth strategies, and spiritual insights. This process will draw from a large toolbox of resources. And all of this is done upon the foundation of what God says, and of course, covered in prayer. The coaching process empowers you to overcome limiting beliefs and grow into the person God created you to be and see God’s purpose even in mundane activities. Coaching is not counseling, therapy, or legal advice. It is practical, empowering process that enables you to live the abundant radiant life that God has for you.
What are some of the results I can expect from coaching?
You'll receive clarity on what is tripping you up. You'll break down barriers and get to the root of what's holding you back.
You will adjust your decision-making so that it aligns with your faith and values.
You will make measurable progress on achieving your life goals and dreams.
Your coach will build you up as well as share strategies and accountability that lead to transformation to be your radiant self in Jesus.
You may realize a fresh, new perspective on an old problem that leads to breakthrough in this area of your life.
You will discover how to embrace your passion or find your passion and live your fullest life, overflowing with hope and purpose.
How does it compare to counseling and therapy?
A counselor or therapist helps you understand your past in order to bring about healing from emotional wounds. A Christian life coach can recommend that you seek a counselor or therapist if she recognizes a block to your progress caused by past emotional wounds. Generally, such counseling is more expensive, and it ends when the wound from the past is healed. If someone has a diagnosis of mental illness, counseling or therapy may be covered by medical insurance. Coaching includes an understanding of the past, but it works in the present towards a fulfilling future. It is generally less expensive than counseling or therapy, and it can continue as long as the client sees benefits. Coaching is not legally regulated like counseling or therapy, so it is important to work with a certified coach, such as Tania. She is certified by the AACC (American Association of Christian Counseling).
Life Coaching Services
Blog Posts (click to view more)
Sigi R. from Idaho
Tania helped me navigate through some marriage and parenting challenges that I will be forever grateful for. You don’t find someone like that too often in life that makes such a positive impact on your life. Her advice is Godly and practical and she truly cares about helping people overcome the messes that we find ourselves in at times.
Emma D. from California
I am so incredibly thankful for Tania. She was incredibly kind and intentional with me. A light in some really dark days. She has a call to minister and coach people in the depths.
Susana S. from Washington
I am forever grateful to Tania, she showed me so much love and compassion during our one on one talks. While going through a difficult personal challenge, she was always there for me, and I learned how God sees me and how to have a deeper relationship with God.

About Tania
Meet your coach
I’m a certified Christian Life Coach for women, specializing in spiritual growth in your personal and or ministry life, life transitions and divorce recovery. It’s my personal experiences that speak the loudest. I have gained many insights and practical skills to equip and empower women to live the abundant life that God has for them despite their circumstances.
I’m also a wife, mother and grandmother. I grew up in church, but living an abundant radiant life seemed like a distant reality. Life was hard. After being married for 25 years and trying to make things work well for me and my family, it all fell apart. Divorced and broken, I prayed to God to change my circumstances, but first He made changes inside of me.
I needed a miracle in my life. God answered my prayer, and the greatest miracle that happened was the transformation that happened inside of me. I’m living that abundant radiant life and on a continuous journey of growing in Him.
Heart of Gratitude
I’m so thankful to God for all that He has done for me and in me. His goodness is incredible. Thank you Lord for giving me a sparkle.
Thank you to my wonderful loving husband. What a blessing.
Thank you to my amazing, sparkling family.
Doing Life God’s way is so much brighter and lighter.
Focus Areas
Personal Growth
Our coaching services are designed to foster personal growth, helping you unlock your true potential and achieve your goals with confidence and clarity.
Healing from Divorce
God’s good plans for you have not changed despite your circumstances.
We provide personalized support, encouragement, and practical tools to help the healing process, find purpose in the present, and create a vision for your future.
Life Transitions
Navigating life transitions can be challenging. Our tailored coaching sessions provide the guidance and support needed to navigate change effectively and emerge stronger than ever.